
De-mystified, well-practiced, and routinely tested strength + conditioning.

Our Mission

Our purpose is the constant construction, refinement, and transmission of hard, simple, and infinitely adaptable paths geared to help people think, act, and re-act in lasting and non-disposable ways.

We prove this process most profoundly on ourselves, those in our immediate midst, and alongside other attentive and progress-minded accomplices around the world.

We don’t sit fences, we don’t make excuses; we share what we know, and hunt what we don’t.

We don’t subscribe to any tradition or notion not mirrored by measurable, progressive function, and we challenge any that are simple based on “convention”.

Words without actions are a half-empty glass.

If there is a valid “what”, there must be an equally valid “why”, and a sound, proven, and detailed “how”.

Our Values

Proven individual capability, tempered by a sense of community and duty.

Engineering and executing strategic, sensibly brutal, and vastly transferable strength and conditioning.

Embracing the idea of doing more with less, by making every thought, word, and action our absolute best.

Physically strong and well-conditioned: With the will, composure, intelligence, and ability to apply with ferocity; Never separating mental acuity from our physical philosophy.

Social dexterity: Care for all manner of others through all-weather courtesy, non-manufactured humility, and non-electronic priorities.

Not mistaking the pieces for the purpose;
Not mistaking casual participation for measurable progress.